15 Things You Know To Be True If You HATE Mornings!
Published: Oct 17, 2024

There are two types of people in this world; those who love mornings and those who ABSOLUTELY hate mornings!

Here’s a list of things you can relate to if you are not a morning person:

1. Waking up early in the morning is just impossible for you!

Source: Tumblr

2. This is you after waking up EVERYDAY!

Source: tumblr

3. And this is you 5 minutes after getting out of bed

Source: Tumblr

4. Your morning starts after noon!

Source: tumblr

5. You wait for the weekend every day of the week so you can sleep for as long as you want


6. And you hate the person who wakes you up early on a weekend!

Source: Tumblr

7. If you wake up even 5 minutes earlier than your usual time, YOU ARE CRANKY AS HELL!


8. You are always late for school/work!

Source: Giphy

9. Early morning classes and meetings are BAD and should be BANNED!

Source: Tumblr

10. You skip breakfast because you can’t wake up that early!

Source: Giphy

11. But you need coffee or chai to go from your I-want-to-punch-you mood to I-will-ignore-whatever-you-say mood

Source: tumblr

12. Talking to you before 10:00am is like talking to the devil

Source: Giphy

13. You don’t understand people who are happy and peppy in the morning

source: Tumblr

14. You have absolutely no idea why they say, “Good morning”. What’s so good about mornings?

Source: Tumblr

15. You are full of energy at night!


We hate mornings because sunsets are so much better than sunrise! I would wake up late EVERYDAY if it wasn’t about money!