16 Bizarre Thoughts A Girl Has When A Guy Isn’t Responding To Her Text Messages
Published: Feb 20, 2025

An unanswered text message can result into a panic attack for girls. Especially if the text message was sent to a boy she likes, there will be a plethora of weird bizarre and just random thoughts in a girls head when THAT guy does not respond back.

Here’s a list of 16 bizarre thoughts a girl has when a guy takes his sweet time to respond back to her text messages:

1. He’s definitely ignoring me on purpose.


Source: Deliyachris
Source: Deliyachris

2. Maybe he didn’t get my message?

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr


3. Maybe he lost his phone?

Source: hexjam
Source: hexjam

4. No No he just commented on that girl’s picture through his phone

Source: Vignette
Source: Vignette

5. So he is totally ignoring me

Source: Imgur
Source: Imgur

6. Maybe he’s talking to the girl whose picture he just commented on

Source: hercampus
Source: hercampus


7. She is not even that pretty

Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest


8. Ok fine she is pretty

Source: Bustle
Source: Bustle

9. Does that mean I am ugly?

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy


10. Should I just call him?

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

11. No that would be just too desperate

Souce: Pinterest
Souce: Pinterest


12. I think I should I message him again?

Source: nyheter24
Source: nyheter24

13. Or no maybe he is taking a nap, maybe my text wakes him up

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

14. I am done with this life, he is not interested, who takes forever to respond?

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

15. Whatever I am so over him

Source: uberpunch
Source: uberpunch


Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr


Dear boys please don’t take forever to respond! Dear girls please relax he has a life too you know!