16 Bizarre Thoughts A Girl Has When A Guy Isn’t Responding To Her Text Messages

An unanswered text message can result into a panic attack for girls. Especially if the text message was sent to a boy she likes, there will be a plethora of weird bizarre and just random thoughts in a girls head when THAT guy does not respond back.
Here’s a list of 16 bizarre thoughts a girl has when a guy takes his sweet time to respond back to her text messages:
1. He’s definitely ignoring me on purpose.

2. Maybe he didn’t get my message?

3. Maybe he lost his phone?

4. No No he just commented on that girl’s picture through his phone

5. So he is totally ignoring me

6. Maybe he’s talking to the girl whose picture he just commented on

7. She is not even that pretty

8. Ok fine she is pretty

9. Does that mean I am ugly?

10. Should I just call him?

11. No that would be just too desperate

12. I think I should I message him again?

13. Or no maybe he is taking a nap, maybe my text wakes him up

14. I am done with this life, he is not interested, who takes forever to respond?

15. Whatever I am so over him