16 Crazy Products Television Sold To Us That Just Don’t Work!
Published: Aug 21, 2024

Necessity is the mother of invention. And invention is creativity of mind. Yet these inventions have the ability of boggling your mind too. When you are stuck in a situation and you think ‘Oh I wish I had a contraption to get this job done’ and viola - some genius sitting in some dark alley across the globe decides to invent it and you think all your dreams are going to come true. Well, newsflash! They don’t! After you see this post you may think twice about wanting the contraption in the first place!

Here are 15 crazy products that we have all been convinced to try at one point or another:

1. Aluma Wallet

It’s basically a wallet size lunch box. All your stuff is secured because the wallet is water and radiation proof!


2. Faceless Bracelet Watch

Because regular watches are too mainstream and you like the challenge of finding the time in this little faceless contraption.


3. Camera Pen

If you want to be a spy, then you must have this pen. You can take pictures and make videos, and even write stuff when you need to! Don’t deny it, we have ALL wanted to buy this or have bought it!


4. Shake Weight

It’s a weight that actually shakes. Enough said.


5. Sauna Suit

It helps you sweat and lose that weight faster! Apparently you can even wear it whilst working out. Yes, and this is why we don’t have an obesity problem in this world!


6. USB Rechargeable Lighters

A lighter that you would have to recharge. It doesn’t require fluids of any sort. We have one more thing to charge now. Great.


7. Yoko Height

This helps you grow taller. You wear these soles in your shoes and they help you grow an inch or so taller. Screw Nature or Science. What do they know?


8. Cold Drink Dispenser

Because you can’t be bothered with the tedious job of pouring the drink into the glass by yourself so you have a personal cold drink dispenser. Apparently, this way the gas of the bottle doesn’t escape. And neither does that fat on your body! Wohoo!


9. Morning Walker

Why walk when you can lie down… and walk. This device works out your body while you lie down - so in case you want to go for a quick morning run, just lay back and adjust the speed. We are definitely one step forward - in the wrong direction!


10. Waxvac – Ear Wax Remover (Ear Cleaner)

This gun sucks out all of your ear wax. Because we don’t have enough guns in the world.


11. Car Seat Massager

The one thing that you need while driving is a massage. It’s such a great idea to have your neck, back, hips and thighs massaged. This is completely safe.


12. Butterfly abs

Apply this butterfly-like device to your trouble areas and watch them shrink! Butterfly abs gives you wings!


13. Miss Belt

This is the advanced (read extreme) version of a corset. This will have your waist looking like a Disney Princess’ in seconds. Fun times.


14. Tummy Fit Oil

Massage this on your belly and all the fat will magically disappear.


15. Neckline Slimmer

Suffering from a double chin? There is no need to work out or eat healthy when you have the neckline slimmer! This device will do all the work for you.


Is there a crazier product out there that you know of? We would LOVE to know - leave a comment!