They say sharing is caring, not always! Sometimes sharing your things with anyone can be harmful for you health.
Here’s a list of everyday things you should never share with anyone:
1. Toothbrush
You could pass along viruses through your toothbrush.
2. Bar soap
While soap’s self-cleaning nature does minimize germ-swapping, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend using liquid soap to prevent infections. Bonus: You can actually share that.
3. Towels
Viruses flourish in wet, humid environments, so when you share towels, you’re potentially spreading your germs around.
4. Loofahs
The purpose of loofahs is to exfoliate your dead skin cells while applying body wash or soap. So when you use someone’s loofahs, you’re basically just saying “hello” to all the bacteria that lived on their skin.
5. Earings
Sharing earrings can possibly transmit blood-borne infections.
6. Pumice Stones
Pumice stones are literally full of gross dead skin from rough heels and soles, so you probably wouldn’t want to share.
7. Lip Balm and chap sticks
Lips have an extensive network of blood vessels just under the surface, she says, ready to absorb anything you apply on the mouth, germs included.
8. Antiperspirant and Deodorant
While it probably won’t cause infection, you can transfer skin cells and hair particles from pit to pit as you share antiperspirant or deodorant sticks.
9. Tweezers
When you pluck hairs, your tweezer often gets covered with microscopic spots of blood and bacteria that can be transferred from one person to another.
10. Razors
Sharing razors contributes to the transmission of fungal infections, hepatitis B, C, and HIV.
11. Nail clippers, Buffers And Files
If you have any type of fungal infections or warts, you can spread them between one another.
12. Hats and helmets
Headwear is an obvious culprit when it comes to the spread of head lice.
13. Hair brushes and combs
Hair brushes and combs can spread a number of diseases such as head lice, scabies, and sometimes even a staph infection
14. Earphones
The bacteria in your ear could spread to another’s ear if you share headphones, and could lead to ear infections.
15. Undergarments
This seems like a given. Who shares their underwear anyway!
16. Makeup
Makeup brushes and applicators can easily carry bacteria from one person to another.