16 Hilarious Comics About Adulthood And Life That Are Painfully Accurate
Published: Sep 18, 2024

A Massachusetts-based artist sums up the miseries of life and adulthood in the comic series Owlturd Comix. The comics are hilarious and painfully accurate. Take a look at the unspoken reality of life and adulthood:

1. Got a very low self-esteem? This is why:

Source: Owlturd Comix
Source: Owlturd Comix

2. Now you know what’s making you sad?

Source: Owlturd Comix
Source: Owlturd Comix

3. Life happens.

Source: Owlturd Comix
Source: Owlturd Comix

4. The mask.

Source: Owlturd Comix
Source: Owlturd Comix

5. Gifts of life.

Source: Owlturd Comix

6. Trust issues.

Source: Owlturd Comix
Source: Owlturd Comix

7. Love + Adult life = a deadly combo.

Source: Owlturd Comix

8. You have got thing to do.

Source: Owlturd Comix

9. Trying to get your life together?

Source: Owlturd Comix

10. Hope.

Source: Owlturd Comix
Source: Owlturd Comix

11. Millions of people are better than you.

Source: Owlturd Comix

12. Apathy.

Source: Owlturd Comix

13. The tussle between emotion and logic.

Source: Owlturd Comix
Source: Owlturd Comix

14. Got dreams?

Source: Owlturd Comix

15. Rejection.

Source: Owlturd Comix