16 Things Only People Who Suck At Math Will Understand
Published: Sep 9, 2024

Math class was never fun because you never understood why you were doing what you were doing. You knew life was simple and you didn’t need math for survival. And all you really need to do is survive, right? What X does to Y really doesn’t matter then!

If you suck at math, you are not alone. Here’s what everyone who sucks at math will be able to relate to!

1. Simple Math questions like 6×8 confuse the hell out of you.

So… 6 was 8’s ex?

Source: Giphy

2. You can never memorise the times-tables

I mean… I have a calculator in real life yaar!!

Source: Tumblr

3. Calculating the 18% tax on your food at a restaurant is just impossible without a calculator

Source: Giphy

4. Finding x was the most difficult thing you ever had to do in your entire life


5. Word problems scare the hell out of you because the question itself is just SO confusing!

Source: Tumblr

6. And when you get a problem right you feel like,

Source: Gifsgallery

7. Balancing an equation on both LHS and RHS causes a chemical imbalance in your head

Source: Tumblr

8. You never know which formula should be used to solve a particular question because no formula makes sense to you!

Source: Tumblr

9. You don’t understand why there are different formulae for finding the are and perimeter of different shapes!!

Source: Gifsec

10. Reading a graph is like reading a foreign language to you

Source: Tumblr

11. You have never worked on spread sheets because you simply don’t understand how they work!


12. You strongly believe Logarithms were stupid and useless… and still are.

Source: Giphy

13. Sin, Cos and Tan are difficult to solve even with the graphic/scientific calculator


14. You don’t understand math jokes

This tweet doesn’t make any sense to you. You just DON’T find it funny…

15. So even though you think you have the best excuse not to take math too seriously,

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

16. You will always be stuck with math!!


Sorry, guys. It is what it is. What did you hate about math the most?