16 Things Only First Year University Students Will Understand
Published: Dec 4, 2024
First year of university is always exciting. You are going to start a new chapter of your life. We have all either been through this phase, are going through it or will do so in the near future. Here are 16 things that only a first-year university students will understand:
1. It’s hard to remember your classroom because every building is the same
2. You are always scared to ask your seniors anything because… ragging
3. You take your dressing very seriously - only because you are SO HAPPY you no longer have to wear boring uniforms!
4. You think it is very important to be in all your teachers’ good books.
5. You are excited about participating in university events
6. You upload a lot of photos and video on social media, because you are in university and the world must know that
7. You become friends with a lot of strangers instantly
8. But then you are afraid to fall in the wrong group of friends, so you are a bit wary too
9. You are super disappointed to find out that all your class fellows look like you and are not outstandingly hot
10. So you start finding your seniors really hot and day-dream about them being in your batch
11. You are excited about hot scandals, but scared of becoming one
12. Your first set of exams freak you out especially because you’ve partied all semester long - but you are super confident of yourself
13. And you walk out of the exam hall like a boss
14. And then you party… again!
15. But the night before the result comes out, fear grips you and you sit and pray to God

16. And you have never felt as surprised, happy or relieved as you do when you find out you passed!