You love food and there is no way you can stop yourself when you see it. You like to eat in a certain way and sometimes things get messy. You try so hard everyday to eat like “normal people” but it doesn’t work out for you.
Here are 16 things are are way too real for messy eaters.
1. Going out with strangers to eat is like a nightmare.
2. Because then you’d have to order things that are easier to eat.
3. You need napkins around you at all times.
Anything can happen.

4. No matter how careful you are, something always makes its way to your clothes.
Why? Why? WHY ME?
5. You’ll manage to get ice cream on your face without knowing it.
Eating with all senses is the way to go.
6. You’re so used to people telling you, “You got a little something on your…” *points at face*
I know.
7. You are amazed by how others can eat like civilised humans.
8. You don’t do small bites.
9. And people around you are mortified when they see you use your hands.
10. You refrain from eating in front of your crush in fear you may scare them off.

11. Because being sexy turns out to be not so sexy.
12. Those models in food ads annoy you to the core.
How do they not drop ANYTHING?!

13. It’s hard to respond to an important question when you’re eating.
Let alone have a conversation during lunch or dinner.