16 Things That You Know Happen On The First Day Of Eidul Azha
Published: Sep 25, 2024
Eidul Azha (a.k.a Eid-e-Qurbaan a.k.a Barri Eid a.k.a Bakra Eid) is one of the busiest days of the Muslim calendar. The hype starts building up weeks in advance when the sacrificial animals start sprouting up across the country. The only time you will so many goats and cows together in Urban centres. This Eid is all about love, sharing, sacrifice and… FOOD!
1. On the morning of Eidul Azha, the eager members of the family pamper the animals one last time before they are sacrificed.
2. The kids have a sob fest because they know their animal will be zibaofied today.
3. And others will excitedly sit around the qassai to watch the sacrifice.
4. There is a crazy rush at meat shops and the qassai who comes at home is often late.
5. Mothers/wives/sisters/daughters start preparing the masalas and whatnots at home knowing well that when the meat comes in to the house, so do hangry boys.
6. When the meat does come in, there is the task of organising it and making hissas.
7. Everyone waits, very impatiently, to get the meat sorted quickly so they can eat already!
8. On this day, you will have some people who are either too disgusted to eat the meat or too sad to eat it.
9. So the mothers/wives/sisters/daughters have to make sure they cook dishes without meat too

10. Some eat their pain away.
11. And some don’t really care.
12. There is so much meat that you run out of space in the refrigerator.
13. You’re freaking out the entire day because you have to send the meat out ASAP.
Need more room in the fridge!!
14. There is blood and intestines everywhere.

14. And some of us can’t take it, so we sleep through the day so we miss the smell of blood and meat.

15. But then there is the tantalising aroma of barbecue all around too!
16. And where there is an aroma, there is a barbecue party and that means it is packed with LOTS AND LOTS OF DELICIOUS FOOD!