16 Times You Have Hated Your Siblings!
Published: Nov 22, 2024

Siblings can be the most annoying creatures in the world. Sometimes you hate your siblings so much that you just want to get rid of them but you can’t because you don’t want to hurt your parents!

Here’s a list of times when you have hated your siblings:

1. When you know that they are your parent’s favourite child

Source: Giphy

2. When they complain to your parents about something you never did

Source: Tumblr

3. When your parents scold you for something they did

Source: Tumblr

4. When they blackmail you because they know all your secrets

Source: Tumblr

5. When they steal your things and claim them to be theirs

Source: Tumblr

6. When they copy you

Source: Tumblr

7. When they eat all the goodies you hide very strategically in the fridge


8. When they gang up against you with other siblings

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

9. When they make fun of you in front of other people - especially if they think you have a crush on someone

Source: Tumblr

10. When they ask you to get them water and/or switch off the light and never return the favour


11. When they don’t let you watch your favourite show on TV just because…


12. When they pull inappropriate pranks on you at the most random times - FOR NO REASON

Source: Giphy

13. When they upload a funny picture of yours on social media without your permission

Source: Giphy

14. When they take forever in the bathroom and you really NEED to pee or if you’ve just entered the bathroom and they start knocking on the door to rush you on purpose!


15. When your parents tell you to, “learn something from your brother/sister!”


16. When they think they are the ones your parents love the most

Source: Giphy

If you have siblings, you know the feeling! We hate them but we love them more! Urgh! Too many confused emotions!