16 Totally Glamorous No-Heat Hairstyles
Published: Jul 9, 2024

Sometimes, busting out the blow dryer or flat iron is too much work. Plus, you know how bad too much heat is for your hair, and you wouldn’t want to damage your hair by using heat excessively. Don’t fret! With these no-heat hairstyles, your hair is sure to look happy, healthy, and fabulous.

1. Look like a mermaid with this fishtail.

Source: Chic Factor Gazette

2. Get your hair off your neck with this upside down braid.

Source: Bobby Glam

3. Use an old sock to make a perfect ballerina bun.

Source: Benefit Cosmetics Blog

4. Tuck your hair under a headband for perfect curls.

Source: Aunie Sauce

5. Make a bow out of your hair.

Source: Design Everyday Blog

6. Make a double braid hair crown.

Source: She Knows

7. Make a little heart OUT OF YOUR HAIR!

Source: The Beauty Department

8. Create a bun out of three braids.

Source: Camille Styles

9. Look like a princess with this Kate Middleton hairstyle.

Source: Ma Nouvelle Mode

10. This beautiful wrapped bun is way easier than it looks!

Source: Freckled-Fox

11. Keep your hair out of your face with this overlapping half up/half down look.

Source: Foto Plot

12. Do it up with a pretty, sparkly headband.

Source: Beautyttt

13. Make a bun out of a fishtail. You really don’t need to use a curling iron.

Source: Original Piece Mag

14. Make a Chinese staircase braid.

Source: The Shine Project

15. These cool twisted tails make a pretty undo.

Source: Latest Hairstyles

16. This sweet macrame braid is funky and unique.

Source: The Beauty Department


The original version of this post can be found here.