Do you feel unattractive? Not getting the attention you want from the ladies? Try some of these tips to make yourself more attractive to the fairer sex:
1. Smile
Smiling can make anyone look attractive. No one is attracted to the angry looking man anymore. If you’re a happy looking guy, people will want to be happy with you too!
Also make sure your pearly whites are actually white.
2. Eye contact
Maintaining eye contact shows confidence and people are attracted to the confident guy who maintains eye contact. No one is attracted to the person who looks at the floor or anywhere else when he speaks to you.
But make sure you don’t stare!
3. Carry mints
It keeps your breath fresh - It is as simple as that. People with bad breath don’t attract anyone. If you speak to someone and they smell your bad breath when you talk, they won’t want to speak to you again.
4. Grow a beard
The only man without a beard is a woman… but on a serious note a beard is a sign of masculinity and it also helps a person appear to have a strong jaw. A strong jaw is an attractive feature on any man. If you don’t have one, grow a beard.
5. Stand straight
A lot of people don’t realise but they are slouching. Standing straight will make you look bigger, taller and make you look more confident.
6. Get rid of excess body hair.
That’s gross no one wants to see a lot of hair on a man, please groom your self. It’ll do wonders.
Bonus tip: If you have a uni brow, make it two.
7. Don’t drown yourself in cologne
No, I’m not saying don’t wear deoderant or cologne, but if they can smell you before they see you, you’re wearing too much of it.
8. Wear clothes that create a V shape
Women find a V shaped body on a man very attractive, that means broad shoulders and a narrow waist. You can appear to have a V shaped body by wearing certain clothes that make it seem like you do.
9. Wear red
Studies show wearing red makes a person look more powerful and strong. So wear red on a date. It’s also the colour of passion.
10. Eat fruits and vegetables for healthier skin
People with healthy skin are automatically more attractive. Eat healthy to look healthy, eating right will make your skin look bright.
11. Be funny
I’m not saying start telling knock knock jokes but get a decent sense of humor. Start looking at the funny side of things and don’t be afraid to make fun of yourself.
12. Volunteer
Volunteer at any charitable organisation, a man who helps others is a good man. It shows you’re compassionate and care about others. But don’t do it just to get women!
13. Surround yourself with friends
Surprisingly the cheerleader effect also works for men. Men look more attractive in groups.
14. Be confident
If you aren’t confident fake it till you make it, if you act confident and portay confident body language your mind will follow. No one is attracted to the shy timid character, everyone likes the confident outgoing man.
15. Workout
Working out never hurt anyone and getting a good body through working out will do you good because it will also keep you healthy.
16. Be yourself
Saving the best advice for last. No one likes a fake person and you’ll be happier with the person who likes you for you than someone you’re trying to be.