17 Animal Photos That Will Make You Do A Double Take

Here are some crazy photos of animals (and some of their humans) from around the Internet that were taken at just the right moment, when their bodies were looking just plain bizarre. Warning: Some of these photos may cause three, possibly even four, takes.

  • “Oh god, what happened last night?”

    Source: Imgur
  • Birdman?

    Source: Reddit
  • Who wouldn’t want to kiss with lips like that?

    Source: Reddit
  • Who’s a good girl using all my conditioner?!

    Source: Reddit
  • McGruff the crime dog went on to have a beautiful daughter.

    Source: Reddit
  • Melty, come!

    Source: Reddit
  • Oh no, it’s dog melting epidemic!

    Source: Reddit
  • Have to find out that camel head’s dieting secret!

    Source: Reddit
  • Your girlfriend’s hatred of cats makes so much more sense now.

    Source: Reddit
  • Cat’s got a good strong back!

    Source: Reddit
  • It’s his tail flopped over. Yeah, we know. But it’s just his tail.

    Source: Reddit
  • When your very flexible fourth leg looks like a smaller waving fifth leg. #CatProblems

    Source: Reddit
  • Don’t worry, this dog is part liquid.

    Source: Reddit
  • Is it a duck or a rabbit? A ruck? A dabbit?

    Source: Reddit
  • So THAT’S how the dog is able to eat so much.

    Source: Imgur
  • A face only a werewolf mother could love.

    Source: Imgur
  • Hey, the dog is a more attentive driver than most humans.

    Source: Reddit

The original version of this post can be found here.