In the past decade, malls have become the first place people think of to go hangout at. In Pakistan, when you have no where to go, you go to the mall!
You could go to the mall at any given time and find it packed to the brim. There are a thousand people in the mall all the time and most of them are just so annoying. Here’s a list of people you come across in a Pakistani mall:
1. Mailay boyses!
You will always see a group of mailay boyses EXCEPT on family day! They will do cheap stuff to grab your attention - hug each other and make stupid noises every time someone passes by them.
2. The window-shopping gang
They will stand outside every shop and stare at everything they like because they don’t want to actually buy anything.
3. The girl gang
It’s like their personal kitty-party and involves everyone at the mall! They shop, chatter and LAUGH! They laugh a lot! Loud.
4. The person who literally buys EVERYTHING!
This person buys ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they like or may like at a future date! They don’t even give it a second thought!
5. Those who shop at international brands only!
And won’t stop complaining about the utter lack of designer stores at that mall. Because shopping at a local shop is just so middle class!
6. The aunties and uncles who are too scared to get on the escalators
They won’t get on it nor will they give you space to go on. They just stand there and stare at the damn thing!
7. The child who throws temper tantrums because they want the most expensive toy in the mall
This child cries on the top of his/her lungs and will keep crying until the parents, finally, leave the mall.
8. Those crazy children who keep running around in the mall like it’s a freaking park!
Why are they running? Is there a marathon going on in the mall that I don’t know about?
9. Those who want to photograph everything at the mall.
They want a picture of the balloons and then they want a picture with the balloons. They want a picture of their friends and then they want a picture with their friends. They want a picture of the bathroom and then one inside the bathroom. God!
10. The lovey-dovey couple who is on a date without their family knowing it
They walk very very close to each other and hold hands of course! They make most parents in the mall uncomfortable.
11. The other couple trying to find a solution to the “Mere rishte aa rahe hain” conversation
You can’t hear them, but EVERYONE in the mall knows something is not right between the love birds.
12. That group of friends that comes to the mall just to hang out at the food court
They are loud and happy. They don’t care what others think of them.
13. Those who walk really REALLY slow and won’t let you pass
14. The one who wants to zip in and zip out of the mall but the person above won’t let them.

15. The overly enthusiastic sales person
“Ma’am, please try this perfume.” “Sir, you should try the pink one.”
16. The girl who uses the mall’s Ladies’ room as her own dressing room
She puts on make up, does her hair and even changes her clothes there! Enters the ladies’ room looking like a maasi and leaves like a DIVA!
17. Those who stare at everyone for no God-damn reason!
This person scares you. Who are they? Where did they come from? WHAT DO THEY WANT?
Which one of these guys is you? Or how many of these people have you come across?