We love our nanis and dadis. They are a delight to be around. They are the most huggable humans on this earth and the best part is, every time you hug them they give you tonnes and tonnes of duas. It’s like a reflex action.
This is for all the nanis and dadis out there, we love you! <3
1. They think you are perfect and can do no wrong.
And inside you’re like
2. They think you need to eat more. ALWAYS!
3. They will protect you from everything. Even your parents.
4. They have the most interesting stories to tell you.
5. And you realise they were so cool back in the day and that makes them even cooler now!
6. They cook amazing food.
And it’s extra special when she has made is for you.
7. They turn in to kids with you!

8. Their wisdom speaks in every advice they give you.
9. They remind you that your parents were also kids once.
And your parents are like,
10. They think you are beautiful no matter how much you try to convince them you are not.
Even when you look like this,
11. They are really proud of your achievements no matter how little they are.
12. They have a totka for anything and everything..
13. They have the most gorgeous vintage stuff and if you are a granddaughter: JACKPOT!
14. They know how to cheer you up when you having a bad day and when you want to cry.
15. You are spoiled rotten when you visit her.
16. They call you up for the smallest of things but you don’t mind. They believe you’re the smartest person on the planet!
Even when you do things like this:
And this,
17. Last but not the least, they love you unconditionally. <3
Life just wouldn’t as sweet without all you Nanis and Dadis! We love you to the moon and back!