17 Things Only A Nurse Will Understand!
Published: Sep 6, 2024

Nursing is probably the most underrated profession, possibly in the world. Nurses are angels without whom even doctors cannot save a patient’s life, yet they are barely respected.

Here’s a list of 17 things nurses know to be true:

1. When people ask you how long your lunch break is

Nurses DO NOT get breaks!

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2. The shift ends but your documentation doesn’t

Source: Tumblr

3. When colours of poop are more important than the colour of your dress

source: Tumblr

4. Be it birthdays, weddings, anniversaries - you are always on duty

Source: Giphy

5. You hardly get an Eid/Christmas/Diwali holiday

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6. Some times a simple mole on your leg scares you to death because you think you have cancer

Source: Giphy

7. When your patient’s trust you with their secrets more than their own families

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8. When your neighbours call you in the middle of the night just to check their pulse rate! PULSE RATE!

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9. You are the doctor of the family. They consult you even when they have little scars or a random headache

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10. After your first duty in the gynae ward, you call your mom and tell her you love her. You also decide you don’t want any babies!

Source: Giphy

11. The only way to survive a night shift is by getting high on chai or coffee!

Source: Giphy

12. Your world starts to spin after 3am when you have a night shift

You hate everyone after 3am.

Source: Tumblr

13. You are worried that your patient haven’t peed in last 8 hours and then realise you hadn’t in the past 12 hours!

Source: Wikia

14. Scrubs - the only designer dress you can afford to wear

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15. You wash your hands so many times you barely have any skin left

Source: Gifsoup

16. And then they assume that all nurses are women!

17. So really speaking, the only thing that keeps you going is the happiness of saving lives!

Source: Tumblr

And possibly the song, how to save a life.

Nurses are real-life superheroes - Respect them!