17 Things Only A Nurse Will Understand!
Published: Sep 6, 2024
Nursing is probably the most underrated profession, possibly in the world. Nurses are angels without whom even doctors cannot save a patient’s life, yet they are barely respected.
Here’s a list of 17 things nurses know to be true:
1. When people ask you how long your lunch break is
Nurses DO NOT get breaks!
2. The shift ends but your documentation doesn’t
3. When colours of poop are more important than the colour of your dress
4. Be it birthdays, weddings, anniversaries - you are always on duty
5. You hardly get an Eid/Christmas/Diwali holiday
6. Some times a simple mole on your leg scares you to death because you think you have cancer
7. When your patient’s trust you with their secrets more than their own families
8. When your neighbours call you in the middle of the night just to check their pulse rate! PULSE RATE!
9. You are the doctor of the family. They consult you even when they have little scars or a random headache
10. After your first duty in the gynae ward, you call your mom and tell her you love her. You also decide you don’t want any babies!
11. The only way to survive a night shift is by getting high on chai or coffee!
12. Your world starts to spin after 3am when you have a night shift
You hate everyone after 3am.