18 Kids Who Are Winning At Hide And Seek
hide and seek
Published: Mar 12, 2024

Hide and seek is every child’s favourite game. Here are a few kids who are winning at Hide and seek. You won’t find any kids in these pictures because these kids are the Masters of hide and seek. Just kidding!

1. This guy is going places!

2. That’s the best this kid could think

3. Hiding eyes is enough!

4. Who hides their face?

5. “If I can’t see them, they can’t see me.” - Kids’ logic

6. No one will see that head!

7. Legs are not a part of their body!

8. Just hide the face!

9. This kid is delusional!

10. Hiding in the middle of the room like a boss.

11. Acting dead!

12. Smartness!

13. Well!

14. This kid who doesn’t realise that the box is too small

15. What was this kid thinking?

16. “Hide me, oh tree!”

17. Wow!

18. Hiding together!