18 Signs That Prove You Really ARE A Drama Queen
Published: Aug 21, 2024

Do your friends call you a drama queen, leaving you to vehemently disagree? Well, in this post we answer that question for you; read this as a self-assessment tool and find out if you really are a drama queen in the making. (This applies to all you boys too!)

1. You squeeze movie dialogues in to every conversation

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2. You have extraordinarily dramatic reactions to silly things

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3. You love to be the center of everyone’s attention

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4. You are obsessed with words like OMG!!! Wow!!! Are you serious?!? Are you kidding me?!? Don’t tell me!!! (Yes, with that many exclamations)

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5. You LOVE updating your social media accounts ASAP


6. You love to make a head-turning and loud entrance everywhere you go


7. Your friends call you the drama queen of the group but you believe you the life of the party

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8. You love making stories, gossiping, bitching, everything that involves non-stop talking

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9. You love being pampered by EVERYONE

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10. You spend 70 % of your day rolling your eyes

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11. You love giving yourself compliments

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12. You love making a noise and just generally being loud and dynamic

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13. You are not only obsessed with your own drama but also love to watch drama unfold in other people’s lives too!

14. When you are having a bad day, you always feel like it is the end of the world…

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15. You believe you are a diva, and can throw an epic diva fit because you believe the world should revolve around you and your feelings

16. For you loosing something simple like a pin is heart-breaking

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17. If someone stares at you, the first thought you immediately think that they hate you

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18. You secretly know you are a drama queen and are proud of it!

So, now tell us honestly, are you (or anyone you know) a drama queen? Leave a comment and let us know!