18 Things Only People Who Wear Braces Can Relate To
Published: Oct 3, 2024

Have you ever had braces? If you have, did or are going to have them, you have to have a strong will and determination to get through this phase. Don’t worry though, we are here to sympathise with you. Here are 10 things you can relate to if you used to or are wearing braces:

1. The hardest decision that you ever had to make was this:

What colour should I choose?

Source: Pinterest

2. But they are so damn painful.


3. This is what your mouth feels like with all the wires:

Source: Giphy

And the only solace you have are these things:


4. People keep asking you when you are going to get them off.

And you’re like:

Reaction GIF: don't know, baby

5. Eating and chewing anything is a nightmare

This is your food most of the time.

Source: Tumblr

6. You can’t have chewing gum or apples so people tease you like:

Source: Buzzfeed

Thanks for rubbing it in my face, jerk.

7. You think of the time you will get your braces off and dream of all the apples you are gonna eat.

Even if you don’t like apples. You’re gonna eat them.


8. You will find chunks of food in your braces days later.

“If I could just reach that spot… almost there…”


9. You somehow develop a lisp and people are like:

Source: Buzzfeed

10. Your toothbrushes goes bad really fast.

Source: Twitter

11. When you have an appointment with the orthodontist, you always hope that you get your braces off today.

But your orthodontist be like:

Source: quickmeme

12. This was the worst 45 seconds of your life during the procedure.

Source: Twitter
Source: Giphy

13. And you hated it when all your orthodontist did was change your bands.

Like seriously? This is it?

Source: buzzfeed

14. When people tell you that they want to get braces just because they want to, you’re like:


15. You’ve become best friends with other people who have braces.

I feel ya!

Source: Giphy

16. When you smile for a photo, you kind of look like this:

Source: Buzzfeed

17. When you get your braces off, it feels really weird because you are not used to so much space in your mouth.

Source: ifunny

18. And your teeth are AMAZING!

So you can’t stop touching your own teeth! #WeirdIKnow


What were some of the struggles you went through when you had braces? Let us know in the comments below.