“The great question that has never been answered and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my 30 years of research into the feminine soul, is: ‘What does a woman want?’” - Sigmund Freud
Have you ever found yourself thinking what a woman meant when she said something relatively clear to you? Men often complain that they can’t understand what women mean when they are actually saying something. So to avoid misconceptions, confusions and fights, here are 18 things every women say when they actually mean something else:
1. What she said: I am fine
What she really meant: I am NOT fine.
2. What she said: It’s Okay
What she really meant: I will NEVER forgive you. And I will ALWAYS remember. Even 20 years from now. And I will throw it back at you, you jerk.
3. What she said: We need to talk
What she really meant: I need to talk and you need to listen/ You’re in trouble
4.What she said: I need some time alone
What she really meant: I want you to hold me and tell me how much you love me
5. What she said: Nothing
What she really meant: EVERYTHING is wrong
6. What she said: Whatever
What she really meant: This is the first and last time you will ever win an argument
7. What she said: I am busy right now
What she really meant: I’m lying I just don’t want to talk, call or meet you! Get lost.
8. What she said: I am sorry
What she really meant: I will remember this forever
9. What she said: Don’t worry
What she really meant: You definitely have to worry about it
10. What she said: Do whatever you want
What she really meant: Do not make any mistake, I am judging you and if you fail I will drink your blood. Or you can take the easy way out and do what I asked you to do.
11. What she said: I am almost ready
What she really meant: She hasn’t even picked an outfit yet
12. What she said: He is so cute
What she really meant: I wish he was my BF. Why can’t YOU be that cute? GAWD!
13. What she said: I like you but…
What she really meant: Not interested.
14. What she said: I have nothing to wear
What she really meant: GET ME NEW CLOTHES, YOU MISER!
15. What she said: Do I look fat?
What she really meant: I need you to tell me I am beautiful/ If you answer in the affirmative you are definitely seeing someone.
16. What she said: Awww
What she really meant: Cute, adorable or sweet/ That’s nice but you’re lying.
17. What she said: No thanks, I don’t want anything
What she really meant: Surprise me with something fantastic. RIGHT NOW.
18. What she said: Maybe
What she really meant: “NO”