When you start crushing on someone the first thing you want to do is get to know as much as you possibly can about them - you also do this because you can’t stand a minute without thinking about them.

So the best way to get all the answers you need, you do a lot of research. And by research I mean ‘stalking’. We all do it, because we know that social media is the best possible way to get to know them. Here are 18 thoughts you have when you are stalking your crush online.
1. Should I add him/her or not?
2. And what if I follow him/her and s/he doesn’t follow me back?

3. S/he has such a great sense of humour! That status is hilarious.
4. Should I retweet/share the status or should I do nothing?
5. No, I will just write LOL or ROFL as a reply to their tweets or status
6. But wait who is that girl in his pictures?
Or who is that guy standing with her?
7. Are they in a relationship?
8. Or secretly dating? Please God nooooo! Don’t let this happen to me!!
9. Then you notice a hot picture and think,
10. Wait, is that him/her as a kid?? Is that photo really 10 years old? How CUTE!
11. OMG! His/her parents are on Facebook too?
12. Let me Google him/her and see how popular s/he is!
13. Well, s/he definitely likes “Daal chawal”. Maybe I can make some for him/her… <3
14. Oh wait! S/he has an Instagram account?