Everyone undoubtedly has made many female friends in their lives. Female friends are fun to hang out with; while some of them may have stuck around with you and become your best friends, there have been others who have come and gone from your life. Whatever the case these are the 19 types of female friends you will undeniably meet in Pakistan:
1. The gossip queen
Wanna know who’s dating who? Or why X broke up with Y? Or how Z got out of work today? - She’s your woman!
2. The one with the funny laugh
Her laugh is funnier than most jokes
3. The one who LOVES to eat!
She just loves to eat! The best kind of person to go to a restaurant with!
4. The party animal
This one just loves staying out late dancing the night away!
5. The Pot head
She prefers smoking hash over everything else.
6. The shareef one
The seedhi saadhi friend who does NO wrong, sees no wrong, says no wrong. Like NONE whatsoever. Seriously man, just do something, cheat on a test at least.
7. The Social media addict
You are updated about her whole life whether you like it or not, check-ins, reviews, Instagram, snap-chat - you name it and she has it - and she updates it quite frequently.
8. The One who asks you to Like her posts EVERYTIME
How are you?..
Like my DP please
9. The sad one
Omg I just got bitten by a mosquito… WHY ME GOD? WHY ME?
10. The eww girls
Ewww! I don’t want to go there!
Ewww! I don’t want to meet him.
Ewww! Did you see what she’s wearing?
11. The snob
Everything and everyone is beneath her. If you’re not wearing designer clothes you’re better off staying at home.
12. The perpetual dieter
This lady is on a perpetual diet but for some reason doesn’t seem to be losing any weight.
13. The one who is never single
This lady can NOT be single. She ALWAYS needs a man in her life and surprisingly always has one.
14. The boy trapped in a girl’s body
The launda, this girl is more manly than most of the guys you know.
15. The Phadday baaz!
Pissing her off would be the last mistake you make because she will kill you. She has an aura that says she is not to be messed with at all times.
16. The one who is obsessed with Bollywood
She saw Bajrangi Bhaijaan 25 times, is in love with SALMAN KHAN and can quote a movie dialogue for every occassion!
18. The one who says let’s meet BUT NEVER DOES!
She’ll make the plan and be excited to meet, but when the time comes she’s nowhere to be found.
19. The mujhe-permission-nahi-milegi girl
No matter how close you are to this girl, no matter how well her parents know you, she is NOT going to leave the house.
Who all have you met up until now?
23 Guys You Meet In A Pakistani University! | WebChutney said | […] already done a piece on the different types of female friends you can have. Now we’re going to look at the different type of guy friends you make at university. There […] |
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