Want to bring a change to your look but don’t know how? There is no better way of changing your look than adding that zing factor to your hair colour! Here are some stunning hair-colour trends inspired by celebrities that have changed our conservative look on dyeing hair! Bold and beautiful, you may think these colours are too bold for you, but you will never really know until you give it a shot right? So if you’re younger than 30 (or even older!), start right away - pick the colour combination you like! And if you’re scared about the results, use Photoshop to replace the model’s picture with your own to see if it suits you or not! It’s the best, no risk technique out there! Give it a shot.
But remember, you gotta risk it for the biscuit!
Here are 20 of our favourite hair-colours; prepare to be stunned:
1. Vibrant Red
2. Golden blonde
3. Purple haze
4. Pastels hair
5. Emerald green
6. Orange ombre
7. Ash brown
8. Lime green
9. Baby pink
10. Mermaid blue and green sea
11. Platinum blonde
12. Rainbow colors
13. Baby lights
14. Bright blue
15. Yellow
16. Plum waves
17. Copper gold
18. Turquoise tresses
19. Hot pink
20. Neon lights
This post was inspired by this.