20 Fairytale Villages That Are Real
Published: Apr 7, 2024

Do you believe in fairy tales? Or are you in love with fairy tales and always wanted to experience being in one. Then you must visit these 20 fairy tales villages where everything is real.

1. Santorini, Greece

Source: boomsbeat

2. A mountain village, China

Source: shaungibson1

3. Cinque Terre, Italy

Source: improvephotography

4. Penn, Scotland

Source: imgur.com

5. Colmar, France

Source: plus.google

6. Rothenburg, Germany

Source: thieunien
Source: thieunien

7. Shirakawa-go, Japan

Source: stuffmakesmehappy

8. Migdal, Greenland

Source: pinterest.com

9. Bibury, UK

Source: cotswoldsadventures

10. Kvivik, Faroe Islands

Source: onebigphoto

11. Filzmoos, Austria

Source: lazypenguins

12. Sintra, Portugal

Source: shutterstock

13. Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain

Source: fabweb

14. Portofino, Italy

Source: plus.google

15. Wengen, Switzerland

Source: blaineharrington

16. Maska, Spain

Source: brightside

17. Reine, Norway

Source: matiash

18. Puglia, Italy

Source: anythingopolis

19. Rocamadour, France

Source: viralsilo

20. Wengelsdorf, Germany

Source: uk.pinterest