20 Of The Funniest Awkward Yeti Comics
Published: Sep 14, 2024

For those of you who haven’t discovered it yet, The Awkward Yeti is an absolutely brilliant, hilarious online comic series. The characters are every random day objects from the sun to your brain and heart.

Below are some of the funniest Awkward Yet comics we have come across:

1. The sun needs to know a thing or two about personal space

2. If he only listened!

3. Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone listened to their heart?

4. Why don’t we pay attention to warnings?

5. What does your spleen do anyway?

6. Do we REALLY have to go to work?

7. Yeah, let’s be that guy today.

8. The average person on a diet

9. So that’s why!

10. LIAR!

11. Cons of eating popcorn

12. The best idea ever!

13. Why brain? WHY!?!?

14. I’m really bad with names… and faces… and people.

15. Sometimes you shouldn’t listen to your heart.

16. Like a lot of times.

17. Appendix = Psychopath

18. Just nod and smile boys, nod and smile.

19. Just listen to your heart… or brain… or heart. AHH! Just do whatever you want.

20. Food = Love

All pictures were taken from The Awkward Yeti.