20 Of The Funniest Tweets By Women In 2015
Published: Jan 3, 2025

Here are the funniest tweets tweeted by women on twitter!

1. Just go straight to the source

2. What all women really should do

3. Another solid reason to stay in

4. Even cat people know it

5. Everyone has their own personal style, she has hers

6. The Ghostbusters remake’s main characters ARE all women for a reason

7. What women REALLY want to do in bed

8. Want to have kids? Take the lip balm test

9. Somethings are better than sex

10. When life gives you lemons, give them back

11. Stupid museum man

12. Another reason to stay up late

13. Dammit wine! Stop it.

14. Come one google, pick up your game.

15. Is it yours or mine?

16. Wasn’t Furiosa one?

17. Reverse sexism

18. “I’m still hungry’

19. Uggs… more like Ughs!

20. Good days