20 Of The Most Populous Countries Of The World!
Published: Sep 13, 2024

In the past few decades, we have come across hundreds of ways to control population. However, nothing seems to work and population keeps exploding. Half the problems we face today are because of the ever rising population of the world.

Here’s a list of 20 of the most populous countries of the world:

1. China

Source: pangeatoday.com

2. India.

Source: Nationalgeographic.com

3. United Stated of America

Source: nsnbc.me

4. Indonesia

Source: Demotix

5. Brazil

Source: catholicpilgrimoffice.com

6. Pakistan

Source: Nationalgeographic.com

7. Nigeria

Source: nairaland.net

8. Bangladesh

Source: Youtube,com

9. Russia

Source: zspot7.blogspot.com

10. Japan

Source: japandailypress.com

11. Mexico

Source: top10listland

12. Philippines

Source: philstar.com

13. Ethiopia

Source: superselected.com

14. Vietnam

source: vietnambreakingnews.com

15. Egypt

Source: AFP

16. Germany

Source: i-newsmedia.net

17. Iran

Source: http://rampages.us/

18. Turkey

Source: todayszaman.com

19. Congo

Source: theguardian.com

20. Thailand

Source: NBCnews