Without this man, we would never have seen 68 years of freedom. Without him, Allama Iqbal’s dream of Pakistan wouldn’t have come true. Without him, we would not be. The father of this nation, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, passed away this day 67 years ago. He was the man who spent his life in the struggle for independence. Independence of a country we proudly call Pakistan today. Every Pakistani citizen is, and always will, be grateful for the services, sacrifice, devotion, love and hard work he put into getting us to where we are today.
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah left us too soon – but his legacy lives on, even today. And we are proof of that legacy. Every single Pakistani citizen is proof of hat legacy.
Here is a collection of our favourite quotes given to us by the father of this nation:
1. No matter what you do, this is true for each one of us.