20 Reasons Why Being Unemployed Is The Worst
Published: Oct 12, 2024

Being unemployed sucks. There is nothing worse than not having a job. Don’t believe me, huh? Want to know what sucks about being unemployed?

Let me tell you:

1. You don’t have money for freaking credit!

2. You resort to asking your parents for money which isn’t the best feeling in the world.

3. You can’t go out with friends more than once a week.

So you make up family functions so you can avoid dinners.

4. When you do go out, you pray to God that they’re going to a place cheap like Student Biryani or for chicken rolls.

5. Going shopping is usually shopping for groceries… with money your mom gave you.

6. Applying for a job and getting rejected REALLY hurts, especially when you don’t get a call back.

7. You lower your standards from a job you want - to a job you like- to a job you can get-to any job.


8. You sort of start looking like a bum because you have no reason to groom yourself.

9. The only savings you know about are the games you’ve saved on your computer.


10. When people ask you what you’re doing you don’t have much to say except “ummm nothing”.

11. You can’t relate to people who complain about work.

12. When people tell you how they’re jealous of all your free time you’re like

13. You start resenting all your friends who want to go for dinner to expensive places because you can’t freaking afford that shit


14. All you are left with is your mind and you just CAN’T cope with that!

15. You are ALWAYS bored


16. Everyone treats you either like a child or a roadside bum

17. You never have anything interesting to talk about except maybe the food you eat, the clothes you wore or other people.

18. You aren’t independent cuz daddy is still your bank

19. You fear that you will forget everything you learnt at school because you have no where to apply it

20. You have to defend not having a job and end up looking like a mix between a roadside bum and a hipster.

So basically being unemployed really sucks… please give me a job!