Are you an introvert or are you an extrovert? Lately all you hear is how you have to label yourself as one or the other to understand how you work best. For some people the choice is easy, but not everyone fits into those categories. Luckily, the personality continuum is a sliding scale and in the middle lies the ambivert. If you feel like you exhibit qualities of both introversion and extroversion, you might just be a classic ambivert.
1. You can’t spend too much time with too many people.
2. You can’t be alone for too long either.
3. You like meeting new people.
4. As long as people you know are around to include you.
5. First you usually like to observe situations.
6. You can easily become immersed in the moment.
7. You can be strong and assertive.
8. But you are a good listener too.
9. You’re flexible to situations and are good with whatever other people want to do.
10. And get along with almost everyone.
11. You know when you should speak up.
12. And when you should shut up.
13. People don’t fully understand you—you’re not quiet but you’re not loud.
14. You are really intuitive.
15. And you can hold your ground.
16. But you’re humble enough to admit when you are wrong.
17. You don’t want to be the center of attention but you don’t mind a little bit of it.

18. You are equally comfortable at a concert and a yoga studio.
19. You can be quiet and reserved then very sociable given the right circumstances.
20. But, the best part, it’s amazing being you!

The original version of this post can be found here.