20 Things ONLY A Girl Who Has A Brother Can Relate To!
Mawra Hocane & Urwa Hocane Eid Day Picture with her bro
Published: Aug 18, 2024

Being a girl who has a brother is awesome! It’s not easy for a girl to live with a brother but it definitely is worth it! He is the best man (after your father, obviously) you will ever have in your life!

Here’s a list of 20 things only a girl who has a brother can relate to:

1. You two don’t have remote-fights because it’s a remote-WARRRRRRRR!


2. He will do something annoying at the most random time.

Source: Giphy

3. He practices WWE moves on you and teaches you some too.

Source: Gifsoup

4. No one can insult you when he is around. Except him, of course.

Source: Tumblr

5. He is your bodyguard and protects you from the bad boys!

Source: Tumblr

6. You have covered for him in front of your parents and he has done the same for you

Source: Tumblr

7. He keeps an eye on your male friends and you give him love advice!

Source: Tumblr

8. You hate when your younger brother gets taller than you


9. You both play stupid games and enjoy them more than anything else

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10. But when you play video games, it is serious shit!

Source: Tumblr

11. You get a male-perspective about everything

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12. When he does something really stupid and then tries to be cute!

Source: Tumblr

13. He will do anything for you, only if you ask him nicely or bribe him of course!

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14. There are never ending bathroom fights!

“Come out or I will kill you.”

Source: Gifsoup

15. You can’t enter his room or touch anything without his permission but he will enter your room and do whatever he likes without even telling you.

Source: Tumblr

16. He makes family gatherings suck less!

Source: Tumblr

17. You make chai for each other!

Source: Tumblr

18. He is your partner in crime ALWAYS!


19. He has always got your back!

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20. He is your support system, a shoulder to cry on - YOUR BEST FRIEND!

Source: Tumblr

Go hug your bro and tell him he has the best sister in the whole wide world and he will know you love him the most!