20 Things People Who Suck At Dieting Know To Be True!
Published: Oct 5, 2024
There are some people who are ALWAYS dieting. They will order a salad when everyone else is going crazy over the new double patty extra cheese burger! Then there are those who just can’t go on a diet, they try to but they just can’t do it.
Here’s what happens when you suck at dieting:
1. You procrastinate. Everyday.
2. You think about your cheat days even before starting the diet
3. You think about food ALL THE FRIGGING TIME!
4. You see your favourite-unhealthy-snack and think “this is the last one - I promise” or “just one more bite” or “I’ll burn off the calories tomorrow”
5. When someone says, “you need to go on a diet”
6. You just don’t understand the concept behind eating 1200 calories a day! You don’t want to count your calories, you just want to eat goddammit!
7. Working out to burn all the extra calories you eat everyday is mission-impossible.