20 Things People Who Suck At Dieting Know To Be True!
Published: Oct 5, 2024

There are some people who are ALWAYS dieting. They will order a salad when everyone else is going crazy over the new double patty extra cheese burger! Then there are those who just can’t go on a diet, they try to but they just can’t do it.

Here’s what happens when you suck at dieting:

1. You procrastinate. Everyday.

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2. You think about your cheat days even before starting the diet

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3. You think about food ALL THE FRIGGING TIME!

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4. You see your favourite-unhealthy-snack and think “this is the last one - I promise” or “just one more bite” or “I’ll burn off the calories tomorrow”

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5. When someone says, “you need to go on a diet”

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6. You just don’t understand the concept behind eating 1200 calories a day! You don’t want to count your calories, you just want to eat goddammit!

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7. Working out to burn all the extra calories you eat everyday is mission-impossible.

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8. Eating smaller portions is not something you can do because you can either eat properly or not eat at all and not eating at all is just not an option.

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9. You CRAVE unhealthy food. ALL THE TIME. Yes, you CRAVE pizza and brownies and biryani and everything you love eating. And you can’t control it.

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10. Diet food is simply NOT FOOD!!!

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11. You spend most of your time thinking about what you will have for lunch or dinner.

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12. You don’t think salad is food! Because salad is NOT food!

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13. You eat yourself out of depression and heartbreak! You eat to deal with emotions! It’s a scientific thing, okay!

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14. You believe it is ungrateful to say no to food! A SIN!

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15. This is you when you are dieting and you see your favourite food

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16. You hate it when someone reminds you that you are on diet

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17. You have the most ingenious excuses for not following the diet plan.

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18. Every time you try dieting, you are angry and tired and hate everyone!

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19. Therefore, in order to be calm and sane you decide not to go on a diet and eat whatever you can find for the love of food!

Source: gifsgallery

20. Because being healthy and fit can never be more satisfying than having a good meal!

Source: Giphy

Food is a blessing and you will be ungrateful if you go on a diet. Eat all you can because there is nothing that can make you feel better than eating! YOLO, guys. Just do it!!