Having a best friend is literally the best thing in life! There is nothing more special than being able to share the highs and lows of your life with someone you truly care about and treasure. You just can’t imagine life without them. But then one day, they move to a different state or city or country for crying out loud! And that’s always tough. But you have to learn to cope with it.
Long distance SUCKS! Especially when it’s between two best friends!
Here’s what happens when you have a long distance best friend:
1. When they tell you they are moving away for higher education/job your first reaction is of excitement
2. You only realise later that your best friend will be gone for a long time and things won’t be the same again
3. It breaks your heart to let them go but you accompany them on their shopping trips and help them pack.
4. Before they leave there is an exchange of a hundred promises and a million tight hugs!
5. You wait for their “Reached safely” message all day and all night long.
6. You look up all the phone packages that are available to call them until they get their internet connection sorted
7. You have every app conceivable downloaded on your phone or computer to make sure you stay connected to them. And you are always ready to try a new one.
Viber, Whatsapp, Skype, Facetime, Snapchat, Wechat Youchat Letschat – They name it and you download it.
8. Video calling is a never-to-miss ritual for both of you!
9. If your best friend is in a different time zone then you decide on a time to talk every day. You will talk to them even if it means waking up at 4am.
Because you know that the conversation that wakes you up at 4 am is always worth it.