20 Things That Happen When Your Parents Start Using Social Media The First Time!
Published: Aug 27, 2024

Our parents get us the best gadgets to use, even when they have never used anything more complicated than a not-so-smart-phone. We have learnt to do almost everything from our parents but there is one thing that they learn from us. They learn to use the internet from us.

If you have ever helped your parents learn how to use the internet and helped them make an account on social media, here are 20 things you know to be true:

1. They need a step-by-step guide from unlocking the gadget to posting a picture on social media. And this is you,

Source: tumblr

2. You have to be very very patient whilst guiding them through every single step,

Source: Tumblr

3. They will come running to you when a random message pops up on their screen!

Source: Tumblr

4. They will ask you why something works the way it works and you’ll be like:


5. The first thing they want to learn is how to use FACEBOOK, of course.


6. You are the first person they send a friend’s request to,

Source: Tumblr

7. And then they look for all other family members and your friends (obviously) on Facebook

Source: giphy

8. They will ask you to put up a family picture as their cover photo


9. They will use cute emojis as comments because typing a sentence is too much for a newbie


10. They will be the first people to “Like” all your statuses and pictures and comment on EVERYTHING!


11. They will share random (sometimes embarrassing) posts on their timeline!

Source: Tumblr

12. They will stalk all your friends and cousins and everyone else,

Source: tumblr

13. But they will stalk you the most,

Source: tumblr

14. And when they find something suspicious, you will have to answer some seriously outrageous questions,

Source: tumblr

15. Anything you post or Like or share on Facebook shall be taken against you

Source: Reddit

16. They FREAK OUT when the internet is down because they think there is something wrong with their device

Source: Tumlr

17. Oh, and you have to solve all their device related issues too

Source: Tumblr

18. But it is amazing to have them around on social media because that’s one thing that brings you closer to them!

Source: Tumblr

19. You know you have accomplished something when they upload a photo or update a status on their own for the first time!

Source: Tumblr

20. And you know if your parents have social media accounts and they are on your friend’s list (by choice of your friends), you know you have the coolest parents ever!

Source: Tumblr

Help your parents take their first step into the world of the internet! It isn’t all that bad. Honest!