20 Things You Learn About Friendship In Your Twenties!
Published: Oct 18, 2024

Your life changes completely when you step into your twenties. Your worldviews about everything change drastically. You even start looking at relationships in a different light. Most importantly, you see friendship with a different lens too. Here’s what you learn about friendship in your twenties:

1. The friends you swore would be your friends forever, will not stick around


2. Some of your friends will always be too busy for you


3. And you won’t be there for most of your friends either

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4. Some of your friends will be more successful than you and you will feel disappointed… in yourself

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5. Meeting your friends won’t be easy because everyone’s going to be really busy with their own lives

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6. But some friends will make time for you no matter how busy life gets and you will do the same for them

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7. Your best friend will fail to be there for you when you need them the most and you start to realise that there is no such thing as a best-friend forever.


8. Some friends will just move on with their lives and you will never get to hear from them again


9. Your friends will get married and their priorities will change from hanging out with friends to shopping for their groceries


10. Your best friend will date someone you HATE and they might hate your significant other too!


11. You will be surprised to know that your colleagues at work can be your friends too!

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12. You will realise that friends you have known all your life don’t understand you as well anymore and the people you have met recently know you better


13. You will eventually realise that friendships are one-sided too


14. You will now know which one of your friends will help you hide the dead body and who will bail out on you!

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15. There will always be that one friend who could be more than just a friend, but you remain friends because you don’t want to lose them.

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16. Best realisation: Your parents can be your friends too.


17. Some friendships will just die and you will come to understand that there is no point fighting it


18. But some friendships will pass through any test of time and distance!

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19. You will have a handful of TRUE friends and you know that they are enough for you

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20. Those friends will become your family - hold on to them!

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The friendships you nurture will have a greater effect on your life than where you work or how much you earn. Choose wisely and make time for those who matter! But most importantly, value all the relationships you have today, and realise that they may not be there tomorrow, so make the most of them - make memories!