20 Things You Will Understand If Sarcasm Is Your Best Friend!
Published: Oct 11, 2024
Some people eat, sleep and breathe sarcasm. Sarcasm is like their best friend they cannot live without! If you are one of those people, I LOVE YOU! Oh, I mean if you are one of those people then you will relate to all of these:
1. Sarcasm is like an official language for you
2. You have a sarcastic comment ready all the time
3. Nothing is off limits for you to joke about. You will make anything and everything funny in your own way
4. You have zero resistance to BAD jokes!
5. It is impossible for you to befriend someone who can’t take/understand your sarcasm
6. You love your own punny comments because you think you are the punn-iest. Oh, I mean, funniest!
7. The only way you can communicate with some of your friends IS solely through sarcasm
8. People are so used to your sarcasm that you have to point out when you’re actually being serious.
9. Some people think you are rude because they don’t understand that you are being sarcastic
10. You express your love in a non-conventionally sarcastic but honest way because saying “I LOVE YOU” is just too mainstream