20 Types Of People You Will Definitely Come Across During Ramazan
Published: Jun 10, 2024
Masha Allah, it is the holy month of Ramazan and a lot of our Muslim brothers and sisters turn over a new leaf during this month. Here’s a list of all types of people during Ramazan:
1. The sleeping beauty
2. The person who wakes up for Sehri at the last minute
3. The one who forgets they are fasting
4. The seasonal Muslim
5. The one who loves to give fatwas - “This is HARAM”
6. The one who doesn’t fast but is always there at the Iftar
7. The one who doesn’t stop eating at Iftar.
8. The one who keeps asking “Roza lg raha hai?”
9. The one who is super annoying while fasting
10. The one who is on mute.
11. The one who plays Naats on full volume.
12. The one who stops listening to music and watching movies because “it’s Ramazan”
13. Those who argue if it is “Ramadan” or “Ramazan” or “Ramzan”
14. And those who argue if it is “Ramazan Mubarak” or “Ramazan Kareem”
15. The one who works out while fasting
16. Those who ask “roza rakha hai? Kahan rakha hai?”
17. The one who starts smoking right after Iftar
18. The one who is super angry while fasting