21 Things All Pakistanis Do But Will Never Admit

There are a few things we do, but are embarrassed to do admit doing in public. But does that mean we stop doing them?


Here’s a list of things all Pakistanis do but never admit:

1. You secretly pray a politician holds a rally in the centre of the city so you can skip school/work.

2. You get on the public bus and see how many people are staring at you. But you pretend you don’t care.

3. Secretly bursting into tears whilst watching your favourite soap-opera.

4. Hide your phone in your sleeve when a bike passes by you.

5. Watching and enjoying Bollywood chick flicks! Yes, the boys too!

6. You stalk your Khala’s son on Facebook but never talk to him in public.

7. You walk to the fridge, open the door and just stare at the food inside because you are bored!

8. Look outside the window and pretend that you are a part of a movie when the radio plays a sad song.

9. Take a quick sniff to check before meeting your beau.



10. Look right and then left before picking your nose.


Source: Buzzfeed

11. You attend most family functions for the sake of food.



12. Google all your sex-related queries and pretend you knew all along!

13. You sit in the rickshaw and try looking at yourself in the side view mirrors.

14. You have had a crush on one of your teachers




15. Type a long message but change it to only an “Okay” right before hitting send.

16. You ask your dad about the most important world news and later participate in political discussions with your friends like a boss!

17. You look at yourself in the mirror while crying alone in the room.

18. Look at a rash and think you have a fatal disease.

19. You drop your phone on your face while playing Candy Crush at 3 a.m.

20. Talk to God and wait for a reply.


21. Half of you will never admit that you read this post!



It’s okay to admit this, guys! All of us do things we aren’t always proud of!