Exams are the most stressful time of the academic year and how everyone reacts to this stressful time is interesting. Here are 21 types of students you come across during exams:
1. The overachieving nerd!
They know all the answers and do their best on the exam but are never satisfied with their performance.
2. The “don’t look into my answer book” person
These people are mostly nerds. They hide their answer book!
3. The one who’s late even on the exam day
This person is never on time, not even on the day of exam.
4. The person who doesn’t talk to you entire year but asks you to help them during the exam
5. The “Yaar, extra pen hai? person
How do they come to the examination hall without their stationary? It’s an exam, not a joke!
6. The extra-sheet person
This person asks for an extra sheet when you haven’t even filled half of your answer book.
7. The person who is cramming their notes till the very last minute
8. The religious one
This person recites Holy verses and performs rituals because ONLY GOD CAN SAVE THEM!
9. The person who won’t stop panicking
They panic - A LOT! And you just want to stay away from them because they can make you panic too.
10. The one who is totally CHILLED!
This person doesn’t take exams seriously.
11. The one who asks TOO MANY questions
They need clarification for every question on the question paper. If nothing else, they will ask the time in every 5 minutes.
12. The best buddies and partners in crime
They study together, cheat together, pass/fail together - BFFs!
13. The cheat masters
These people are total geniuses. they know every method on how to cheat.
14. And the one who always gets caught
They cheat and they get caught and then they cry!
15. The first one to leave
They leave the examination hall before everyone and all you are thinking is, “did s/he even even attempt any questions?”
16. The one who keeps writing long after the bell has rung
They just need 5 more minutes to complete their test and their 5 minutes never end!
17. The the one who distracts the entire class by making that stupid noise with their pen
18. The one who keeps starring out of the window and doesn’t write shit in the answer book
19. The person who says “I haven’t studied anything” but gets an A+
20. The cool kid who studies one day before the exam and still Aces it!
21. And the one who fails every exam!
How many of these do you know?
Mubasshir said | I must say that the author has compiled a very good list. However, some people, like me, fits into multiple types :D |
I must say that the author has compiled a very good list. However, some people, like me, fits into multiple types