22 Signs You Have Found The Perfect Person To Marry
Published: Oct 13, 2024

Finding the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with is not easy. Sometimes that “perfect person” is right in front of you but you fail to recognise them because unlike in the movies, there are no violins playing in the background and no signs from the supernatural whatsoever!

That is where we come in. Here are a few signs you need to look out for to understand that you have found the person you should marry:

1. When you think of “home” you automatically think of them.


2. They know you inside out and do not try to change you.

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3. They give you a feeling of comfort and security


4. They have seen you at your worst and they still like you

Source: giphy

5. They know what you like and dislike

Source: Tumblr

6. They know your family and respect them, and your family likes them too!


7. You are the best version of yourself with them, not because you want to impress them, but because they inspire you to be a better person

Source: Tumblr

8. The attraction in palpable – physically, mentally and emotionally

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9. You have had some great arguments with them but you know how to sort things out

Source: Giphy

10. You have discussed your future plans with them and they are always excited

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11. They respect your beliefs, values, choices and opinions

Source: giphy

12. You know you can count on them and they can trust you too. Blindly.

Source: Giphy

13. They are protective towards you because they don’t want to lose you!

Caution: Don’t confuse protective with clingy, jealous or overprotective!

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14. They are willing to make compromises and you wouldn’t mind doing the same for them.

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15. They don’t let feelings fester inside

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16. They like your friends and don’t mind spending time with them

Source: Giphy

17. They know your dreams and they always help you achieve your goals

Source: Giphy

18. You can talk about anything and everything with them

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19. You know they will never cheat on you and you wouldn’t either.

Source: Tumblr

20. You are never tired of being with them.

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21. You know they will never back out on you! They will do anything to make it work!

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22. You can’t imagine a life without them and when you think of ‘settling down’ they are the first person to come to your head.

Source: Tumblr

It’s not going to be easy finding that ONE person who has all these qualities. But don’t be disappointed, and marry someone who has most of these qualities! Make a wise decision!