22 Things You Must Know About Love In Your Twenties!
Published: Nov 2, 2024

Love is the most exceptional human emotion. Young lads in their twenties are either high on love or too single to believe in love. Here’s what you must know about love in your twenties:

1. You will deny but true love does exist

Source: giphy

2. But it is nothing like the romantic movies and novels you love watching and reading

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3. Love is more complicated than all the sciences in the world!

4. You will fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time for the weirdest reason

source: Giphy

5. And they might not love you back

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6. You will fall for the wrong person but it is okay as long as you come out of it at the right time

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7. Unfortunately, growing out of love is not that easy

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8. There is nothing like your “type”


9. Break ups suck but sometimes it is the right thing to do

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10. “Time heals all wounds” is not completely true. It just gives you more strength to let things go and feel better

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11. You might fall in love more than once and each time it will feel like this is it!

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12. You might not be ready to commit to a long-term relationship and there is nothing wrong with that as long as you are honest with your partner

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13. Love is not all about physical intimacy. There is a lot more to it!

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14. You need to accept and embrace someone’s flaws and weaknesses in order to love them completely

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15. And you need to give other person the space and freedom to do what they like even when you want to be clingy and possessive


16. All those happy couple photos on your Facebook are just one side of the story because no one updates a status about an ugly fight with their partner

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17. Fighting with your partner is as normal as falling in love with them

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18. It’s not “too early” to have a long-term relationship in your 20s

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19. There is nothing like a “perfect person” or a “perfect relationship”

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20. However, there is a thing called a “toxic relationship” and it is absolutely okay to walk out of it

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21. It is okay not to rush into marriage even if you are 100% sure about your partner

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22. It is also PERFECTLY alright to be single in your twenties!


If you are single, you don’t need to rush into finding love. There is nothing wrong with being single. You have your whole life ahead of you. If you have found your someone special, don’t screw it up! You don’t want to end up heartbroken!