23 Things All Pakistani Parents Told Their Kids That Were Lies!!
Published: Sep 1, 2024
If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.
- Tom Stoppard
Childhood memories are always very special. Apart from the fun, adventures, games and other sweet memories, all of us have many misconceptions about the things around us - thanks Ammi and Baba. Here are the 23 common misconceptions we have all had in our childhood:
1. If you eat the seeds of the fruits, a tree will grow in your tummy
2. The tooth fairy takes away our old teeth and replaces it with a new one
3. If you have lice and you don’t get your head cleaned soon, they will drown you into the sea
4. A fairy/stork brings the baby from heaven and gives it to mommy. That’s how all of us got it here
5. Genies and magic carpets are real
6. Whatever happens in Disney fairy tales will happen in real life too
7. The moon follows us everywhere we go
8. When people die, they become stars
9. If you are bitten by a spider, chances are that you will turn into Spider-man or Spider-woman
10. The Superman costume can make us fly!
11. If you drink too much tea, your skin will go darker
12. Eating onions will make your skin lighter
13. When clouds cry, it starts to rain
14. Hot weather means the sun is angry
15. Trees are watching you and can speak to you if you listen closely enough
16. At sunset, the sun drowns into the sea
17. If you don’t sleep on time, ‘bhudha baba’ will come and take you away
18. Cold wind is an indication that a ghost is around you
19. If you lie, your tongue goes black
20. If you waste your food it will turn into a mound of cockroaches and come for you
21. When you are in trouble, superheros will be there to save the day
22. The police have a little jail just for kids who don’t listen to their parents…
23. If you make funny faces, your face will stay that way forever!

How many of these have you passed on to your kids, nieces or nephews?