25 People You Will DEFINITELY Come Across In Every Pakistani Cinema
Published: Sep 14, 2024
Watching a movie on the big screen is always fun and the excitement doubles when you are surrounded by the right people. Those conducive to a cinema environment. But if you are sitting with the wrong person for the next 2 hours only GOD can help you. Here is a list of 23 annoying people you will come across in every Pakistani cinema:
1. The ones who insists on taking pictures with the movie poster
2. The ones who always make a grand entrance after the movie has already started
3. The ones who use mobile flash lights to locate their seats and annoy you to excuse them on their way!
4. The ones who ask annoying question after every scene in the movie
5. The guard with the torch who ‘keeps an eye’ on everyone in the hall
6. The one who is judging the movie, louldy might I add, instead of enjoying it
7. The lovey dovey couple sitting in the top row in a secluded corner, convinced that no one can see them.
You know who you are.
8. The ones who notice and complain about them to create a scene. And suddenly every one is interested in the back row drama more than the movie itself
9. The ones who bring their babies to an ‘R’ rated movie because ‘they’re too small to get it, anyway’. And the kid won’t stop crying throughout the film so no one else gets it either.
10. The ones who never laugh even when every single person in the cinema is laughing out loud
11. The ones who cry and sniffing really loud at sad scenes but never admit it
12. The ones who sleep through the entire film
13. The ones who keep munch really lound and drop their snacks every where
14. The ones who always kick the back of your seat
15. The ones who are really tall and sit right in front of you blocking your entire view
16. The gang of boy’s who crack super cheap jokes throughout purposely making people uncomfortable
“Kya bachi hai yar!”
17. The ones who talk constantly and pretend they are really quiet.
18. The ones who decide to throw popcorn at their friends and end up attacking everyone in the cinema ‘by mistake’
19. The aunties who talk about how their problems or their children’s problems are being perfectly depicted in the film
20. The ones who need to go the bathroom after every 15 minutes
21. The ones who get excited when there is a hug or a kiss in the movie
22. The ones who can’t decide whether they like the movie or not. #EmotionalWreck!
23. The ones whose phones ring and they answer their phones, talking really loud during the most important scenes of the film! *FacePalm* All you want to do is call them and say,

24. The ones who can’t help themselves and finally get up to tell everyone else to “SHUT UP”
25. And then there is you, who just wanted to watch a regular movie in piece yaar…
You know who you are in this list, tell us below!
Mehroz said | #25. Peace* |
#25. Peace*