27 Types Of Classmates You Will Meet In Your Life!
Published: Jul 24, 2024

You may not be in touch with many of your schoolmates now, but you definitely remember a lot of those peeps.

Here are the types of classmates everyone remembers from school:

1. The frontbenchers!

Nerd or not, these people just love the front seats and will not leave their favourite spot for anyone in the class.

Source: Tumblr

2. The N.E.R.D!!

They know everything about every subject. They love books, they love teachers, they love school!

Source: tumblr

3. The one who has the coolest stationery items!

Gel pens, crayons, pencil box and what not! They are a walking stationery-ki-dukaan!

Source: tumblr

4. And the one who keeps borrowing pens and textbooks

They ALWAYS remember to forget stuff at home!

Source: Tumblr

5. The “Teacher, aaj test hai.” and “Teacher, aaj homework nahi diya” person!

Ughhhhh! Why do they even exist?

Source: Giphy

6. And the “Aaj test hai?!?!?!?!?!” person!

They are too cool to remember the test schedule.

Source: tumblr

7. The one who loves asking questions!

Teacher at the end of the class: “Any questions?”
You to this friend: “Yaar, please kuch mat poochna. PLEASE!”

Source: Tumblr

8. And the one who knows how to distract teachers in the class

They will say or do something after which the teachers will never get back to what they were teaching.

Source: Tumblr

9. The troublemaker who always gets away with everything

They have their own ways. They will do the deadliest stuff but get away with it.

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10. The troublemaker who sees the principal every week

They always get caught.

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11. The talented bunch of bunkers

They really have a talent. They bunk like a boss!

source: Tumblr

12. The athletes!

They bunk classes but with permission!

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13. The gossip queen/king

They will tell you what’s happening in 10-A and 10-C. There’s nothing happening in the school that they don’t know about.

Source: Tumblr

14. Monitors and prefects who are honest to their responsibilities.

These people change as soon as they are given a responsibility. They are too honest to their responsibilities!

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15. And those who are honest to their friends!

These are the best monitors and prefects! If you are their friend, you know they have your back.

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16. The love birds!

Their puppy love is the talk of the school!

Source: Giphy

17. The cry baby of the class

Don’t you dare say anything to them. One harsh word and they will break into tears.

Source: Tumblr

18. The one who has a crush on a teacher!

They have a hopeless and meaningless crush on one of the most good looking teachers!

Source: Tumblr

19. The mean girls/boys

They are just mean! To anyone and everyone they talk to!

Source: Tumblr

20. The oglers!

They are the boys and girls who have fixed spots where they gather during lunch break to ogle their dream girls and boys!

Source: Giphy

21. The bully!

Their favourite dialogue: “Tu school ke bahar mil tujhe bata hun!”

Source: Tumblr

22. And the “bhai” of the school!

They don’t threaten anyone: they get everything done with kindness.

Source: Tumblr

23. The quiet one

The one who never speaks in class!

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24. Teacher’s pet!

They are no one’s friend! Their favourite hangout place is the staff room.

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25. The one who is ALWAYS bored!

They are not just made for school.

Source: Giphy

26. The kick-ass all rounder who has a solution for everything!

They are good at everything they do, be it studies or leading a group. They do everything like a pro.

Source: tumblr

27. The coolest of them all - Backbenchers!

They are full of masti all day long! They are the JAAN of the class.

Source: Tumblr

Which one of them are you?