Men are interesting creatures; they can be sweet and salty, hot and cold, funny and nasty, loving and harsh, caring and bitter - I don’t know why they think WOMEN are from Mars, God. Many of them will do things that will rile up their better halves and what is even worse is that these men know exactly what they’re doing! We hate it, and we don’t understand it. Here are 28 very common and highly annoying things that men do that women hate!
1. When they check out other women - on purpose - to make you jealous.

2. When they keep apologising, incessantly, about small things

3. When they send one word or one letter texts. And that too after 3 hours.
4. When they say they are ‘still thinking’ about future goals…

5. When they are irresponsible on most (almost all) occasions

6. When they keep nagging you to tell them your Facebook password

7. When they are irritatingly (and sometime purposely) clueless about things
8. When they watch sports all day and then complain that YOU didn’t give THEM time.
9. When they make a fuss about going shopping with you

10. And never admit their faults. Ever.

11. When they are too lazy to be romantic…
12. When they STILL get you the wrong things despite you dropping the most obvious hints ever!
13. When they snoop around your phone
14. When they keep saying things like, “You remind me of my mother.”
15. When they pretend to be busy, but are really just wanting to avoid having a difficult conversation with you…

16. When they ask silly questions - repeatedly!
17. When they make a big deal about you driving
18. When they bring MAA BEHEN in everything!
19. When they are rude to your friends - just because.
20. When they try to be dominant instead of caring because they are the ‘stronger sex’.
21. When they argue over petty issues and always always always believes he is right
22. When they keep wearing same pair of all month long despite owning a closet full of other nice clothes.
23. When they complain about everything like little kids!

24. When they turn their back to challenges
25. When they spend money on absolutely useless junk
26. When they secretly stay in touch with their ex girlfriends…

27. When they fall sick and want you to baby them back to health but won’t look at you if you are sick.

28. And are the biggest mama’s boys on the face of this planet!!
Just live with her if you can’t stop calling her for everything!!