29 Sad Animals Facts You Didn’t Know!

Did you know that a Hyacinth Macaw has the intelligence of a 3-year-old human? Or that a crow never forgets a face? Or that mice can sense sadness in other mice? Surprised, right? Well, here are some more amazing animal facts illustrated by Brooke Barker.

1) Eagles:

2) Whales:

3) Bumble Bees:

4) Skink:

5) Cats:

6) Mosquitoes:

7) Hyacinth Macaws:

8) Elephants:

9) Wolf:

10) Guppies:

11) Bats:

12) Mice:13) Crows:

14) Emus:

15) Rabbits:

16) Baby Whales:

17) Squirrels:

18) Manatees:19) Kiwis:

20) Crabs:

21) Sharks:

22) Dolphins:

23) Birds:

24) Frogs:

25) Giraffes:

26) Dogs:

27) Grizzly bears:

28) Ostriches:

29) Butterflies:

I didn’t know about these amazing facts, do you know?

All the images are taken from here.