29 Things You Will Understand If You Are In Your 20s!
Published: Sep 20, 2024
Your 20s are the most exciting and adventurous time of your life. Yes, even more adventurous then your teenage years! Here’s a list of everything that happens in your 20s:
1. “What am I doing with my life?” is the question you ask yourself every-FRIGGING-day
2. You know earning money is not easy
3. And that going to work is more difficult than you ever thought it would be
4. You have developed more respect and love for your parents, and you appreciate every little thing they do for you. You understand them better and even enjoy spending time with them!
5. You realise that you have a degree in something you hate or you are working in the wrong field!
6. You will meet better people and will realise that you are not the BEST!
7. You realise who your true friends are and will only have a handful of them. No more having 50 bffs!
8. You plan multiple vacations with your buds but never actually go on one. You don’t know how you did it when you were younger.
9. Meeting your friends won’t be easy. You need to make an effort to meet those idiots now!
10. Everyone around you is getting engaged, married or having babies while you are still struggling to wake up early in the morning…
11. Your parents want you to tie the knot as soon as possible
12. Sometimes you just want to quit everything and go into hibernation for an unlimited time period
13. But you know you can’t do that because you are an adult now, only you don’t know what being an adult means
14. You start taking your romantic relationships seriously.
15. But you have the courage to walk away in case things go wrong.
16. You question your past world-views and everything else that was taught to you as a kid.
17. You can’t tolerate annoying people and you are not sorry about it.
18. You often think about adopting a healthier lifestyle but fail miserably!
19. You will realise that you are not your job, you are not your bankroll, you are not your possessions. You are you. Simple.
20. You know some people will always hate you but you don’t frigging care about what people think of you anymore.
21. You make zero efforts to impress others!
22. You are ALWAYS broke!
23. There is no settling down! You always want something more, something better!
24. You are ready to explore new places, meet new people and try new things!
25. You make wrong decisions, you fall, you fail and you feel miserable
26. You have emotional breakdowns more often than you drink water!
27. People will come and go from your life and you will be okay!
28. Some days you feel like:
29. But you know you can’t give up because this is just the beginning.
Komal said | Omg!! its so me.... completely me not a single point that doesnt depicts me... n now m feeling like oh thank God m not the only one who been through such mental traumas :P |
Omg!! its so me…. completely me not a single point that doesnt depicts me… n now m feeling like oh thank God m not the only one who been through such mental traumas