29 Types Of Coworkers You Will Find In Every Office

People you work with have a powerful impact on you, they can motivate, inspire, annoy and even provoke you. Apart from your family, you spend most of your time with your coworkers. Their different natures and behaviours directly or indirectly affect your life.

In short, you can find a variety of people at your workplace. Here is the list of 29 types of coworkers you will come across.

1. The one who is your best friend

Source: tumblr.com

2. The one who is always on time

Source: tumblr.com

3. The one who’s always late

Source: tumblr.com

4. The fashion diva

Source: giphy

5. Hero of the office

Source: tumblr.com

6. The gossip queen/king

Source: tumblr.com

7. The one who has Bollywood in their blood

Source: dailypop.in

8. The one who is too loud

Source: tumblr.com

9. The quiet one

Source: tumblr.com

10. And the one who keeps on talking

Source: tumblr.com

11. The one who is too rude to smile back

Source: tumblr.com

12. The drama queen/king

Source: tumblr.com
Source: tumblr.com

13. The self-obsessed one!

Source: tumblr.com

14. The one who always sticks to their phone

Source: giphy

15. The show off

Source: tumblr.com

16. The innocent backstabber

Source: tumblr.com

17. The one who is always excited about little things

Source: tumblr.com

18. The one who complains about EVERYTHING!

Source: tumblr.com


19. The workaholic!

Source: reactiongifs

20. And the slacker!

Source: giphy

21. The one who never takes a day off

Source: tumblr.com

22. And the one who is always ready to take off

Source: giphy

23. The one who always has their headphones on

Source: giphy

24. The one who cracks cheap jokes

Source: tumblr.com

25. And the one who is always ready to party

Source: tumblr.com

26. The selfie lover

Source: tumblr.com

27. The ultimate tharki

Source: tumblr.com

28. They will ogle anyone and everyone!

Source: tumblr.com

29. The boss’s pet!

Source: xclusivetouch.co.uk

The office would not be as interesting without anyone of them.