Falling in love is easy, I do it every second or third day. But staying in love that is not easy at all. You can get into a relationship and things could be going great but after a while you don’t feel the same about your partner and the spark is gone.
According to Helen Fisher a biology anthropologist a long lasting relationship depends on three things.
1. Controlling your own stress and emotions
Being in control of yourself as a person and in control of your emotions. Showing anger when it needs to be shown and dealing with stress properly instead of freaking out every five seconds.
2. Empathy
Empathy is the experience of understanding something another person is going through. Seeing things from another persons perspective. In other words seeing things from your partners perspective.
3. Positive illusions
Positive illusions basically means having a positive attitude and looking at the bright side of things. Looking at the positive aspects of your life instead of the negative.