32 Reasons You Should Know Who Pakalu Papito Is And Why We Love Him

Pakalu Papito (@pakalupapito), an Indian tweeter, is a man who has everyone’s tummies in multiple knots of laughter. With his brutal honesty, this man will make you doubt your own sense of humour! He loves camels and thinks he is ugly. We think he is HYSTERICAL!

With a following of over 748,000 people on Twitter and over 489,000 friends on Facebook, this guy is a social-media legend!

Here are 32 reasons we LOVE THIS GUY!

1. Some people disappoint you so much!

2. He has a point!

3. I stopped breathing for a while after reading this!

4. LMAO!

5. That’s my new motto of life!

6. I like 72% of every human being, I am not a bad person!

7. This is me all the time!

8. X-rays?

9. This is so true!

10. I didn’t even say “yes” to the gym!

11. Hahahaha! This is awesome!

12. How we all hate auto-correct!

13. You face!

14. Hibrows!

15. He is very intelligent!

16. This pick-up line!

17. I want a lot of people in my life to do these two things:

18. Me on a diet:

19. Adult stuff!

20. Everyone’s piggy banks!

21. True that!

22. Story of all our lives

23. YUP

24. Kanye begs to differ

25. Honesty IS the best policy.


27. LOL

28. I just lost my appetite

29. Well said, indeed.

30. ROFLing

31. I beg to differ.


All hail this internet legend! How does he even manage it?